Black imprint - Poêsis, poïein Icarus - solidarity poetry - poetry - Poème Icare - La prose d’Icare, Erica Hinyot
Quote Pierre Posno, sociologue, ethnologue & auteur.

Installation “LES TOILES D'ICARE” - Toiles gigognes pyramidales - Paintings Myth of Icarus - Contemporyart - Conceptual art - art - Icarus paintings - peace tours - Abstraction lyrique - Conceptions / creations / installations / tridimensional designs « The canvases of Icarus » « Les Toiles d'Icare » artist Erica Hinyot ®
Spaces of painting and light - atmosphere imagination matière painting Hinyot
"Works free from conventions" extract ARTS Libre N°36 C.L. critic - exhibition Ode to the rain
Translucent square in motion Painting purple colors mixed - AEQUUS painter Erica Hinyot art motion

Nestingpaintings INSTALLATION LES TOILES D'ICARE artist Erica Hinyot Conception creation pyramidal design Icarus canvases - Les Toiles d'Icare - Myth of Icarus nesting paintings - Toiles gigognes pyramidales
Painting present time - paint drips- living matter - gestalt - art concret - gestalt energy intense - natural force - Artist Erica Hinyot
ABSOLU ULTRA VIOLET erica hinyot mauve mixed black and white colors in motion painting art movement